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Strategic partnerships

They say that a good friend knows all your best stories but a best friend has lived them with you. We pride ourselves in having wonderful strategic partners who have walked with us in our quest to provide quality yet affordable healthcare. Important institutions we have partnered with include:

The Africa Gospel Church

As the Medical Ministry of the Africa Gospel Church, Tenwek Hospital squarely falls under the Compassion Department in the Health Outreach Program section. We draw our Christian values and standard operating procedures from Biblical inspired teachings as instructed by the doctrines of AGC.

The Africa Gospel Church plays the following role in the management of Tenwek Hospital:

  • Provides spiritual support and guidance
  • Nominates the Board of Trustees who oversee the running of the hospital
  • The Bishop and Assistant Bishop of AGC act as the Board Chairman and Assistant Board Chairman respectively
  • The church connects us with strategic partners and stakeholders who assist to propel Tenwek Hospital towards growth

We are proud to be affiliated with the Africa Gospel Church and look forward to a continued and sustained relationship.

The Africa Gospel Church

Samaritan’s Purse

The mission of Samaritan’s Purse is to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel. Over the years, our partnership with SP has been sustained through the grace and favour of God. Through SP, Tenwek Hospital benefits in the following ways:

  • Equipment and medical supplies support
  • Support of our Chaplain’s Bible Ministry
  • Connecting Missionary doctors and surgeons who wish to volunteer at Tenwek Hospital
  • Praying and supporting the hospital in various projects

Samaritan’s Purse

World Gospel Mission

  1. The history of Tenwek Hospital is incomplete without the mention of World Gospel Mission. The World Gospel Mission team engages Christ-like disciples to transform the world. Over the years, WGM has supported Tenwek Hospital in the following ways:
    • They sit on our Board and Management teams
    • They send missionaries to serve in different capacities within the hospital facilities
    • The raise funds on our behalf and support different projects within the hospital facility
    • They offer spiritual support and guidance

World Gospel Mission

Friends of Tenwek

Established in 2009, Friends of Tenwek is dedicated to developing key relationships and resources that help the hospital fulfill its mission. This is done mostly through the art of capturing impactful stories about people and the mission at Tenwek Hospital. Through Friends of Tenwek, the hospital is able to:

  • Initiate hospital projects and programmes that are resource intensive
  • Sustain our Chaplaincy programmes and the School of Chaplaincy
  • Establish and sustain Community Health Programmes
  • Create an impact in the individual lives of both staff and patients
  • Support development initiatives by the Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences

Friends of Tenwek

Tenwek Hospital College – School of Chaplaincy © 2025. All rights reserved.