About Us
Tenwek Hospital College

The school is registered as Tenwek Hospital College with Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVETA). The school of chaplaincy is one of the departments in this institution.
Due to changing chaplaincy training needs, the School has redesigned and upgraded its curriculum. This will ensure consistency with the ongoing development of competency based curriculum in all intuitions of learning in Kenya. The school is working closely with Technical and Vocational education and training (TVET) and its arm Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (CDACC) in the development of both Certificate and Diploma in Chaplaincy Curricula that is nearing completion.
The Certificate and Diploma in chaplaincy will be examined by CDACC.
Our core values
Promoting Christ-like life as demonstrated by His love and empathy.
Dedicated to serve God and humanity
Promoting knowledge and excellence in the ministry of chaplaincy.
Promoting accountability and good stewardship of resources, adherence to moral and ethical values.
Ability to withstand and cope with stress and challenges of all kinds.
We are committed to deliver what is required of us in a timely and appropriate manner.
Diverse individuals committed to a shared vision.